Most likely, you're aware that before it was a chemical to spray into the face of an evil-doer, "mace" was the name of a lethal medieval weapon. Unfortunately, today it's considered a bit of overkill to fight off a mugger or thief off with a blunt, heavy ball on a chain with sharp spikes. More's the pity. See if you have heard of these devices and other terminology of that era. (Special Note: If you have heard of more than a few of these, we suspect you are a medieval scholar or possibly a psychopath.)
Click here to read about words and terms such as Tirocinium, Strappado and "Pear of Anguish" from
Click here to read about words and terms such as Tirocinium, Strappado and "Pear of Anguish" from
Top 10 Strange Medieval Terms You've (Probably) Never Heard Of
Reviewed by Tamura TV

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